Meeting Details

Meeting Date 05 Jan 2024
Meeting Time 08:00:00
Location Environment centre Talegaon Dabhade
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic BOD
Meeting Agenda projects, RPL, Anganwadi, interact conference
Chief Guest NA
Club Members Present 13
Minutes of Meeting 1. Project Anganwadi work has started and 3 lakhs advance to be given to contractor. 2. GST application to be done for GST number. 3. Kalapini 2 stages of work completed. 4. Dialysis MOU to be done with hospital. 5. M/s Sensata CSR for Paranjpe School and Warale School Toilets works Quotes in progress. 6. Nathu Bhau Bhegade School request for book shelf received. Rtn Meera inserted for donation. Committee for for the same of members Rtn Mangesh Rtn Rushikesh, Rtn Nitin. 7. GG quote for Eye surgery machinery in progress. 8. Rotary Fest 18/02/24 date finalised.PE Kamlesh will be the project lead. 9. 3 New lady members application are in discussion. 10.Nomination committee meeting scheduled on 24.01.24